Indigenous peoples are conserving vast areas of forest and have been for thousands of years, arguably better than national park systems. The loss of rainforests is closely linked to the displacement, disempowerment and marginalisation of these people. Their culture, diet, health and knowledge, as well as the forests themselves, are being compromised and degraded. YAKUM works to protect indigenous forests with communities, and build cultural, medicinal and food sovereignty, through reforestation with carefully selected native tree species and territorial resource mapping. Tree species are chosen with communities to guarantee production of culturally relevant foods covering a complete diet, traditional handicraft materials, and recover important medicines. Planting highly valuable timbers also protects giant timber trees in the forest from felling and acts like a “community bank”. We also produce maps which identify where potentially transformative forest products can be found, and highlight areas of deforestation for forest guardians to focus on, whilst training community members to use GPS and satellite imaging software.
Indigenous peoples are conserving vast areas of forest and have been for thousands of years, arguably better than national park systems. The loss of rainforests is closely linked to the displacement, disempowerment and marginalisation of these people. Their culture, diet, health and knowledge, as well as the forests themselves, are being compromised and degraded. YAKUM works to protect indigenous forests with communities, and build cultural, medicinal and food sovereignty, through reforestation with carefully selected native tree species and territorial resource mapping. Tree species are chosen with communities to guarantee production of culturally relevant foods covering a complete diet, traditional handicraft materials, and recover important medicines. Planting highly valuable timbers also protects giant timber trees in the forest from felling and acts like a “community bank”. We also produce maps which identify where potentially transformative forest products can be found, and highlight areas of deforestation for forest guardians to focus on, whilst training community members to use GPS and satellite imaging software.


YAKUM works hand-in-hand with our indigeous colleagues, supporting work-team formation and crystallisation of ideas. Work is done through community “minga” work days where we come together with the whole community to get things done. We become part of their team, and they become part of ours.
YAKUM works hand-in-hand with our indigeous colleagues, supporting work-team formation and crystallisation of ideas. Work is done through community “minga” work days where we come together with the whole community to get things done. We become part of their team, and they become part of ours.